ARES - Amateur Radio Emergency Services

Since the 1930's, the Amateur Radio Emergency Services -- known as ARES -- has brought together groups of volunteer Amateur Radio operators united in the common purpose of providing emergency and auxiliary communications service to public safety and public service organizations. Any licensed Amateur operator can join ARES and support its mission.
The Eastern New York Section, one of four ARRL sections in New York State, consists of fifteen counties centered on the Hudson Valley from the New York City-Westchester County border north to the southern Adirondack mountains and including large portions of the Catskill and Taconic mountains. For emergency communications purposes, ENY ARES is organized into three districts: Central, Northern and Southern . The state Emergency Operations Center, located in Albany, is also within the section and is considered an independent district for liaison purposes.
To learn more about Eastern New York ARES, click this link:
To see a presentation on ARES by Fred Halley, W2EMS, Section Emergency Coordinator, ARRL Eastern New York Section,
Click HERE to download the PDF file​​​
To Register and join ARES, click this link: