EGARA Repeaters
The EGARA Main Repeater
on 147.270 mHz
is current out of service
New Scotland
• 444.700, KC2FCP
PL 94.8
• 145.110, KC2FCP
PL 94.8
• 224.800, W2EGB
PL 94.8
• 147.33, K2RHI
PL 146.2
Echo Link: 48899
IRLP: 4889
P25 capable with
Network Access Code (NAC) 293
Repeater Etiquette
Whether you’re a new ham or an Elmer, a periodic review of repeater operations is always a good idea.
From the ARRL Repeater Directory:
Monitor the repeater to become familiar with any peculiarities in its operation and to determine if it’s in use for a special event or an emergency.
To initiate a contact, simply indicate that you are on frequency. . . . Generally, “Th is is NU0X monitoring” will suffice. Please don’t “ker-chunk” (key up without identifying yourself) the repeater just to see if it’s working.
Identify legally -- you must identify at the end of a transmission or series of transmissions and at least once each 10 minutes during your communication. A few other notes from the ARRL -- After you stop transmitting, you will usually hear the unmodulated repeater carrier for a second or two. Th is squelch tail lets you know that the repeater is working.
Don’t call CQ to initiate a conversation on a repeater. It takes longer to complete a CQ [call] than to transmit your call sign. Remember, efficient communication is the goal. You are not on HF trying to attract the attention of someone who is casually tuning across the band.
In the FM mode, stations are either monitoring their favorite frequency or not. Except for scanner operation, there is not much tuning across the repeater bands. The courtesy tones found on some repeaters prompt users to leave a space between transmissions. The beeper sounds a second or two aft er each transmission to permit new stations to transmit their call signs in the intervening time. The conversation may continue only after the beeper sounds. If a station is too quick and begins transmitting before the beeper sounds, the repeater may indicate the violation, sometimes by shutting down!
Never transmit without identifying. For example, keying your microphone to turn on the repeater without saying your station call sign is illegal. If you do not want to engage in conversation, but simply want to check if you are able to access a particular repeater, simply say “N1KB testing.”